As much as I would like to say that I'm planning to keep this post somewhat short, I highly doubt that will happen. I promise it won't be a novel, but this girl has some catching up to do. Bear with me. I'll make it worth your time.
First off, who am I? Well I am the latest addition to the Paleo lab team and am thrilled to be there. My name is Amber. Or Dahl. I go by either one. I'm constantly talking in memes in my head so if it seems that everything I say sounds like I'm talking as a meme, chances are I am. Let's get started shall we?
January 12, 2017. First project. My sweet Barosaurus rib. Thoughts running in my head while working on this were:
- "Oh geez I'm going to kill this thing!"
- "Wait, it's dead already."
- "Don't screw up Dahl!"
- "Oh my gosh is that a mark? Did I just make that mark?"
- "Why isn't this as pretty as the others?"
- "Wow. This is theraputic. I really like how this is putting me in a zen like OH MY GOSH DID I JUST BREAK A PIECE OFF?"
I figured after 3 hours I should give myself a break and go home before I had a meltdown. And no, I didn't break a piece off, I was overly paranoid and thought I did.
January 20, 2017. Round 2. I was definitely feeling more comfortable with the scribe and was actually getting into the rhythm by making up dinosaur songs in my head while I was working. I also noticed that I was getting better, but could still tell I had to go back over some pieces that I missed. Rick was reviewing the piece and was telling me that things were looking good so far and then said that I need to work on getting the glue off. I'm sure my eyes bugged out of my head. First thought that went through my head when he told me that was, "Oh great now I really am going to kill it for sure!"
Again. You can't Dahl. You can't. This took me about 3 hours to get this beauty where I left it.
February 3, 2017. Round 3. GLUE DAY. I was determined. I was able to cleaned the parts surrounding the glue and I was determined to tackle it today. I felt comfortable enough with the scribe that I thought it would be nice to listen to some background music while I worked. What better music to get you pumped up and get that dang glue off than old Metallica, Megadeath and Dio? I even noticed that I was going along with the beat of the music. And guess what? It worked. I was able to get most of the pesky glue off without any damage. I was even feeling mighty proud of myself thinking I was able to get as much done as I did in 45 minutes. Then I looked at my watch. Nope. 3 hours. Jokes on you Dahl!
February 9, 2017. Round 4. Time to work on the edges and use the even better scribe for hard to reach places. I'm telling you, that thing is AMAZING. I can't believe how clean I was able to get edge pieces without feeling like the whole thing was going to explode into dust. I'm definitely getting my groove even more. I wasn't able to work on it as long since I had an appointment, but I was able to get a lot done in 2 hours!
February 16, 2017. Round 5. Holy Diver! I am done! Look how beautiful it is! I was able to get out those pesky pieces of sandstone and not destroy the edges! Thanks to my years and years of painting experience and deep paranoia of not wanting to screw up I did it!! I love the beautiful sheen that the vinac adds to it as well. I'm so proud of this piece and it's even better after getting the seal of approval from Rick. This only took me an hour to finish up and then I danced after. I was so happy. Here is the before and after of this glorious rib:
Ya, I can get used to this.
Then Rick says, "How about something more advanced?"
I am going to be working on the tail. And these are a LOT more delicate to work with so........sorry Dio. Not this round.
Stay tuned for next time!
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